Learn Sage 50 Payroll 2022 in a Day - Module 1 - Including RTI
One Day Interactive Live Online or Classroom Course
Sage Payroll Module 1 - Course Dates
We are able to deliver our courses in-person, live online and on-site at your offices. Please contact us on 020 8567 7733 for one-to-one training available at short notice (weekdays and weekends). SAME DAY OPTION AVAILABLE.
We also offer on-site training at your offices and remote access training via screen sharing software. Please contact us on 020 8567 7733.
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This one day intensive course demonstrates the extensive features of the BRAND NEW 2020 version of the popular Sage 50 Payroll software. Each participant will have the use of their own computer in order to gain hands-on experience of this powerful software.
All the course material is prepared in-house by qualified chartered accountants. Realistic case studies have been devised in order to make the course as practical as posssible.
"I have had this course with Sage itself two weeks ago but the information, the quality, the presentation and all the course structure was not as good and as useful and also I could say enjoyable as taking the course here at London School of Accountancy" - Tameem who attended the Sage 50 Payroll Module 1 course after having attended the Sage Payroll course at much greater cost at Sage itself.
"I successfully installed the software, sent all the RTI reports and completed my first payroll on Monday. Although the set up was very time consuming, I can safely say that it would not have been possible if I had not done your course." - Unsolicited email received from Samantha who attended the Sage 50 Payroll courses.
From April 2013 HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) have introduced Real Time Information (RTI) which will completely change the way in which PAYE information is reported to HMRC. Over a million employers will join the programme in a few weeks time.
Prior to 6 April 2013, employers only submitted payroll information for each of their employees e.g. Income Tax, National Insurance Contributions, SSP, SMP, etc. at the end of the tax year. With the introduction of RTI, this information will now have to be submitted electronically to HMRC every time an employee is paid i.e. on a weekly or monthly basis.
HMRC have introduced five different RTI submissions which include:
- Employer Alignment Submission (EAS)
- Full Payment Submission (FPS)
- Employer Payment Summary (EPS)
- Earlier Year Update (EYU)
- National Insurance Number Verification Request (NVR)
Sage 50 Payroll is now RTI compliant; by attending the Sage 50 Payroll training course, you can be one of the first to find out more about RTI and the proposed changes.
Course Objectives
The course will enable you to master computerised payroll.
Although not essential, some knowledge of manual payroll will be useful.
A Certificate of Competence will be awarded on successfully completing the course.
Introduction to Payroll
- Explanation of various payroll forms including P11, P45, P46, P9(T), P60, P11D, P32, etc.
- Tax codes and what they mean
- Income Tax Rates and Thresholds
- NIC Rates and Thresholds
- Special NIC rules relating to Company Directors
Introduction to Sage Payroll
- Passwords and housekeeping
- Navigating within Sage Payroll
- Quarterly payment method for small companies
- Implementing change from manual system
Company Details
- Setting up employees' records
- Setting payment and deduction types
- Setting up departments
Processing the Payroll
- Entering gross salaries
- Entering adjustments including bonuses, staff loans, staff purchases, etc.
- Printing payslips
- Placing employees on hold
- Updating the payroll
Payroll Reports
- Printing cash and cheque analysis
- Pre and post update reports
- Payroll summary reports
- Departmental analysis
- Printing Form P32, etc.
Starters and Leavers
- Adding new employees to the payroll
- Using the "new employee wizard"
- Preparing Starter Checklist (P46) forms for new employees
- Operating the Week1/Month1 tax code
- Removing existing employees from the payroll
- Generating P45s for leavers
RTI - Real Time Information
- Payroll changes introduced by RTI
- How to prepare for RTI
Sage 50 Accounts Professional Module 1
Sage 50 Accounts Professional Module 2
Sage 50 Payroll 2022 Module 2 (Advanced)